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Peer-reviewed papers

42. Enhanced Spin Polarization of Amorphous FexSi1-xThin Films Revealed by Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy
J. Karel, D.S. Bouma, J. Martinez, Y. N. Zhang, J. A. Gifford, G. J. Zhao, B. C. Li, Z. Y. Huang, R. Q. Wu, T. Y. Chen, F. Hellman, Phys. Rev. Mat., in press (2018).

41. Mn2CrGa-Based Heusler Alloys with Low Net Moment and High Spin Polarization
Zhang, Wenyong; Jin, Yunlong; Skomski, Ralph; Kharel, Parashu; Li, Xingzhong; Chen, Tingyong+; Zhao, Gejian+; Kim, Dongrin+; Valloppilly, S. R. Sellmyer, David, J. of Phys. D: Appl. Phys., in press (2018).


40. High spin polarization in epitaxial Fe4N thin films using Cr and Ag as buffer layers
H Li, X Li, D Kim+, G Zhao+, D Zhang, Z Diao, T Chen+, J P Wang
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112 (16), 162407 (2018).

39. Yi Zhang, Lin Xie, Jeongwoo Kim, Alex Stern, Hui Wang, Kui Zhang, Xingxu Yan, Linze Li, Qiyin Lin, Henry Liu, Hang Chi, Yichun Zhou, Ctirad Uher, Gejian Zhao, Tingyong Chen, Yinghao Chu, Jing Xia, Ruqian Wu, & Xiaoqing Pan, Discovery of a Magnetic Conductive Interface in ferroelectric/insulator Heterostructures, Nat. Comm, 9, 685 (2018).


38. Above 400 K Robust Perpendicular Ferromagnetic Phase in a Topological Insulator

Chi Tang, Cui-Zu Chang, Gejian Zhao, Yawen Liu, Zilong Jiang, Chao-Xing Liu, Martha R. McCartney, David J. Smith, Tingyong Chen, Jagadeesh S. Moodera, and Jing Shi,

Science Advances, 3, e1700307 (2017).


37. Determination of spin polarization using an unconventional iron superconductor

J. A. Gifford, B. B. Chen, J. Zhang, G. J. Zhao,D. R. Kim, B. C. Li, D. Wu and T. Y. Chen,

AIP Adv., 6, 115023 (2016).


36. Zero Bias Anomaly in Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy

J. A. Gifford, G. J. Zhao, B. C. Li, J. Zhang, D. R. Kim, and T. Y. Chen,

J. Appl. Phys., 120, 163901 (2016).


35. Magnetism, electron-transport and spin polarization of epitaxial CoFeCrAl films

Y. Jin, P. Khare, S. R. Valloppilly, X.-Z. Li, D. R. Kim, G. J. Zhao, T. Y. Chen, R. Skomski, and D. J. Sellmyer,

Appl. Phys. Lett., 109, 142410 (2016).


34. Rh2Mo3N: A new noncentrosymmetric s-wave superconductor

Wensen Wei, G. J. Zhao, D. R. Kim, Chiming Jin, Jinglei Zhang, Langsheng Ling, Lei Zhang, Haifeng Du, T. Y. Chen, Jiadong Zang, Mingliang Tian, C. L. Chien, Yuheng Zhang,

Phys. Rev. B 94, 104503 (2016).


33. Continuous control of spin polarization using a magnetic field

J. A. Gifford, G. J. Zhao, B. C. Li, Brian D. Tracy, J. Zhang, D. R. Kim, David J. Smith, and T. Y. Chen,

Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 212401 (2016).


32. Possible p-Wave Superconductivity in Epitaxial Bi/Ni Bilayers

GONG Xin-Xin, ZHOU He-Xin, XU Peng-Chao, YUE Di, ZHU Kai, JIN Xiao-Feng, TIAN He, ZHAO Ge-Jian, CHEN Ting-Yong,

Chin. Phys. Lett. 32, 067402 (2015).


31. Control of thermal gradient using thermoelectric coolers for study of thermal effects

J. Zhang, J. A. Gifford, G. J. Zhao, D. R. Kim, C. N. Snider, N. Vargas, and T. Y. Chen,

J. Appl. Phys. 117, 17C508 (2015).


30. NMMI: A Mass Compactness Measure for Spatial Pattern Analysis of Areal Features

Wenwen Li, Tingyong Chen, Elizabeth A. Wentz & Chao Fan,

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104, 1116 (2014).


29. Using structural disorder to enhance the magnetism and spin-polarization in FexSi1−x thin films for spintronics

J Karel, Y N Zhang, C Bordel, K H Stone, T. Y. Chen, C A Jenkins, David J Smith, J Hu, R Q Wu, S M Heald, J B Kortright and F Hellman,

Materials Research Express 1 026102 (2014).


28. Fabrication of highly spin-polarized Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 thin-films

M. Vahidi, J. A. Gifford*, S. K. Zhang, S. Krishnamurthy, Z. G. Yu, L. Yu, M. Huang, C. Youngbull, T. Y. Chen, and N. Newman,

APL Materials 2, 046108 (2014).


27. Effect of three dimensional interface in determination of spin polarization using Andreev reflection spectroscopy

J. A. Gifford, C. N. Snider, J. Martinez, and T. Y. Chen,

J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17B105 (2013).


26. Unified formalism of Andreev reflection at a ferromagnet/superconductor interface

T. Y. Chen, Z. Tesanovic, and C. L. Chien

Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 146602 (2012).


25. Transport Magnetic Proximity Effects in Platinum

S. Y. Huang, X. Fan, D. Qu, Y. P. Chen, W. G. Wang, J. Wu, T. Y. Chen, J. Q. Xiao and C. L. Chien

Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 107204 (2012).


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24. Pronounced effect of extra resistance in point contact Andreev reflection

T. Y. Chen, S. X. Huang, and C. L. Chien,

Phys. Rev. B, 81, 214444 (2010).


23. Joule heating in ballistic nano-contacts

T. Y. Chen, C. L. Chien, M. Manno, L. Wang, and C. Leighton,

Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication 81, 020301 (2010).


22. Spin Transfer Torques by Point-Contact Spin Injection

T. Y. Chen, Y. Ji, S. X. Huang, C. L. Chien, and M. D. Stiles,

SPIE proceeding, Nanoscience,7398 2009 (INVITED REVIEW).


21. Determination of Superconducting Gap of SmFeAsFxO1-x Superconductors by Andreev Reflection Spectroscopy

T. Y. Chen, S. X. Huang, Z. Tesanovic, R. H. Liu, X. H. Chen, and C. L. Chien,

Physica C 469, 521 (2009) (INVITED REVRIEW).


20. Altering the superconductor transition temperature by domain-wall arrangements in hybrid ferromagnet-superconductor structures

L.Y. Zhu, T. Y. Chen, and C. L. Chien,

Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 017004 (2008).


19. Spin polarization of amorphous ferromagnet FeCoB determined by Andreev reflection

S. X. Huang, T. Y. Chen, and C. L. Chien,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 242509 (2008).


18. A BCS-like gap in superconductor SmFeAsO0.85F0.15

T. Y. Chen, Z. Tesanovic, R. H. Liu, X. H. Chen, and C. L. Chien,

Nature 453, 1224 (2008).


17. Magnetotransport properties of polycrystalline and epitaxial chromium dioxide nanowires

Xiaojing Zou, Gang Xiao, Sunxiang Huang, T. Y. Chen, and Chia-Ling Chien,

J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D710 (2008).


16. Enhanced Curie temperature and spin polarization in Mn4FeGe3

T. Y. Chen, C. L. Chien and C. Petrovic,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 142505 (2007).


15. Composition controlled spin polarization in Co1-xFexS2 alloys

C. Leighton, M. Manno, A. Cady, J. W. Freeland, L. Wang, K. Umemoto, R. M. Wentzcovitch, T. Y. Chen, C. L. Chien, P. L. Kuhns, M. J. R. Hoch, A. P. Reyes, W. G. Moulton, E. D. Dahlberg, J. Checkelsky and J. Eckert,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 315219 (2007) (INVITED REVIEW).


14. Sulfur stoichiometry effects in highly spin polarized CoS2 single crystals

L. Wang, T. Y. Chen, C. L. Chien, and C. Leighton,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 232509 (2006).


13. Enhanced magnetoresistance induced by spin transfer torque in granular films with a magnetic field

T. Y. Chen, S. X. Huang, C. L. Chien and M. D. Stiles,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 207203 (2006).


12. Composition controlled spin polarization in Co1-xFexS2: electronic, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties

L. Wang, T. Y. Chen, C. L. Chien, J. G. Checkelsky, J. C. Eckert, E. D. Dahlberg, K. Umemoto, R. M. Wentzcovitch, and C. Leighton,

Phys. Rev. B 73, 144402 (2006).


11. Co1-xFexS2: a tunable source of highly spin-polarized electrons

L. Wang, K. Umemoto, R.M. Wentzcovitch, T. Y. Chen, C.L. Chien, J.G. Checkelsky, J.C. Eckert, E.D. Dahlberg and C. Leighton,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 056602 (2005).


10. Current-driven switching in a single exchange-biased ferromagnetic layer

T. Y. Chen, Y. Ji, C. L. Chien and M. D. Stiles,

J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10C709 (2005).


9. Current-driven switching in a single exchange-biased ferromagnetic layer

T. Y. Chen, Y. Ji, C. L. Chien and M. D. Stiles,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 026601 (2004).


8. Spin-dependent band structure effects and measurement of the spin polarization in the candidate half-metal CoS2

L. Wang, T. Y. Chen and C. Leighton,

Phys. Rev. B 69, 094412 (2004).


7. Switching by point-contact spin injection in a continuous film

T. Y. Chen, Y. Ji and C. L. Chien,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 380 (2004).


6. Magnetic, structural, and transport properties of the Heusler alloys Co2MnSi and NiMnSb

Lance Ritchie and Gang Xiao, Y. Ji, T. Y. Chen, C. L. Chien, Ming Zhang, Jinglan Chen, Zhuhong Liu, Guangheng Wu, and X. X. Zhang,

Phys. Rev. B 68, 104430 (2003).


5. Colossal magnetoresistance of polycrystalline (La0.7Tb0.3)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 at low drive field

Wang Jing-hua, Chen Ting-yong, Wu Jian-hua, Dai Dao-sheng, Nie Jia-cai, and Chao Bai-ru,

Chinese Phys. Lett. 16, 597 (1999).


4. The shift of the magnetic transition temperature in perovskite oxides caused by magnetostriction

J. H. Wang, H. Y. Chen, J. H. Wu, Z. X. Liu, T. Y. Chen and D. S. Dai,

Solid State Communications, 108(9), 701 (1998).


3. Magnetoresistance, coercivity, and aging of [FeNi/Cu/Co/Cu] spin valve multilayers

Rui-yi Fang, Ying-lei Yu, Ting-yong Chen, and Dao-sheng Dai,

Acta Physica Sinica, 46, 1841(1997).


2. Study on magnetoresistance coercivity and aging effects in for [FeNi/Cu/Co/Cu]N spin valve multilayered films

Rui-yi Fang, Ting-yong Chen, Wan Hong, and Dao-sheng Dai,

IEEE Trans. Magn. 33, 3571 (1997).


1. Study on magnetoresistance coercivity and aging for [FeNi/Cu/Co/Cu]N spin valve multilayered films

Rui-yi Fang, Ting-yong Chen, Ying-lei Yu, and Dao-sheng Dai,

J. Appl. Phys. 82 (8), 3957 (1997).


1. Writing of magnetic recording media by point-contact spin injection

T. Y. Chen, Y. Ji and C. L. Chien,

U.S. Patent Application and PCT Application #60/472,389 filed on May 21, 2003.

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