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Sample Characterization Systems
To characterize our samples and devices, we measure structural, magnetic and transport properties at various temperatures. Here are some major facilities in the TYChen lab.
- Andreev reflection spectroscopy (ARS)
- Magnetotranport system (MTS)
- Magnetic probe station (MPS)
- Viberating sample magnetometer (VSM)

Andreev reflection spectroscopy (ARS)
- Temperature: 1.5K - 400 K, 100 mK with extra option
- Vector magnetic field: 3D, 3.5T
- Magnetic field: 9T in z direction
- Two schemes for differential resistance measurement
- V/I and dV/dI measured at the same time

Magnetic probe station (MPS)
- Room temperature
- 5 probes
- Magnetic field: 0.2T
- Rotating field
- V/I and dV/dI measured at the same time

Magnetotransport system (MTS)
- Temperature: 4.5K - 300 K, Cryogen-free
- Rotating magnetic field: 1T
- Room temeprature thermal experiments
- V/I and dV/dI measured at the same time

Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
- Lakeshore 7304
- Field: -14.5kOe - +14.5kOe (gap 2.3cm), 10kOe @1.6" gap
- Moment: 5E-6 emu
- Temperature: Room temeprature to 1000K
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