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Lab manuals

For each facility in the lab, there is Labview controlling program and manuals.  Please read the manuals in the TYCL gDrive before asking for training to use the facility. 

Safety training: transfer and fill

As part of the procedures to access the Liquid Nitrogen System, there is a required Blackboard training 10 minute video and a 10 question test that must be passed before the access card can be issued.  To pass you must answer 8 out of 10 questions correctly. Use the link below to access the course after login into your


If the link does not work, you can access by going to Blackboard, click on the Course tab at the top and then search using “liquid nitrogen”. All access cards expire on September 1st of each year and all users are required to retake and pass the quiz before a new card can be issued.


Safety training: Crane/Hoist Training/Inspections

Crane/Hoist requires training and inspection for use. After login into, go to this link:

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