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Sample Fabrication Systems
We have three ultra-high vacuum (UHV) home-built fabrication systems and they are connected with each other. Hybrid samples with different layers can be grown by different techniques without breaking vacuum. There is vacuum glovebox for field annealing of samples with home-built magnetic field in parallel and perpendicular directions.
- Fab1: UHV sputtering system
- Fab2: High temeprature sputtering and ion milling system
- Fab3: UHV molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
- PostTreat1: Vacuum glovebox for field or reactive annealing

Fab1: home-built UHV sputtering systems
- 10 home-built UHV sputtering sources at bottom
- 6 home-built UHV sources on top
- Depostion controlled by Labview
- Reactive sputtering and cosputtering
- Heated substrates to be installed
- Base pressure 5.0E-9 torr without baking

Fab2: home-built sputtering and ion milling systems
- 4 home-built UHV sputtering sources at bottom
- Reactive sputtering and cosputtering
- Heated substrates to be installed
- Base pressure 5.0E-9 torr without baking

Fab3: UHV molecular beam epitaxial system (MBE)
- 6 sources in co-deposition configuration
- Substrate from RT - 1000C
- Base pressure: 3.0E-10 torr

PostTreat1: Vacuum glovebox for field or reactive annealing
- Field annealing in parallel and perpendicular fields
- O2 or N2 annealing at 500 C
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